The power of the ATO and family law settlements

  Many clients come to see a family lawyer wanting to talk about issues related to the ATO, while others haven’t turned their minds to their own tax affairs for some time. Generally, we find there is a misunderstanding about the role and power of the ATO in family law property settlements.   Family law […]

The perils of not making a Will

  What do Michael Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Picasso, Jimi Hendrix, Stieg Larsson and Robert Homes a Court all have in common? You would be forgiven for thinking, not much. But in fact they do—all six died intestate which means, they died without leaving a Will. Even the rich and famous can fail to plan ahead when […]

Take care when buying a property off the Plan

The term “buying off the plan” usually refers to purchasing a property that is not yet registered as a separate lot with the government department responsible for land title registrations, or a property that is not yet built. Buying off the plan can refer to the purchase of a block of vacant land that is […]