A separating couple with children will need to work out the parenting arrangements for those children – where the children are to live and who may make decisions about the children. If the couple can agree, their agreement can be formalised as Consent Orders (ie Orders made by the Court by consent). If not, the […]
The power of the ATO and family law settlements
Many clients come to see a family lawyer wanting to talk about issues related to the ATO, while others haven’t turned their minds to their own tax affairs for some time. Generally, we find there is a misunderstanding about the role and power of the ATO in family law property settlements. Family law […]
Understanding your Spousal Maintenance Obligations
It is not widely known that when we enter into a marriage or a de facto relationship, in certain circumstances, a spouse may be liable to maintain the other in the event that their marriage or de facto relationship breaks down. This responsibility to financially assist the other is set out in the Family […]
Fact or Fiction – top 5 myths about family law property settlements
Most people know someone who has been affected by a family breakup. It is usually a very stressful and emotional time where people are anxious about the divorce, the property settlement and the emotional wellbeing and care arrangements for children. Unfortunately this is reflected in a great quantity of inaccurate statements, often regarded as fact […]
Children’s care arrangements following separation
Following a separation parents do not have to go to court about the care arrangements for their children. As a matter of principle we encourage our clients to reach an agreement if possible without the need to resort to the Family Law courts. One advantage in reaching an agreement is that the legal fees will […]