For the past 150 years when completing a property settlement it has been necessary for lawyers and banks to meet up to check and swap documents and bank cheques. The party that ended up with the documents then had to lodge them at the Land Registry and notify government authorities about the transaction. Many of […]
Saving your rights to see your grandchildren
If you are a grandparent and face the sad circumstance of a break up in your family group, through separation or unforeseen events, you may be worried about your right to continue seeing much-loved grandchildren. Unfortunately, some grandparents only see their grandchildren at crowded school events or from the sideline at sporting occasions. In Australia, […]
Enduring Powers of Attorney explained
A lot of people have heard of a Power of Attorney however most do not fully appreciate the extent of its power, the benefits it delivers or the types of Powers of Attorney that exist. A Power of Attorney is a useful legal document used to allow someone to handle your affairs in a variety […]
Understanding a Commercial Lease
When renting business related property it is important for both Landlords and Tenants to understand the relationship they are entering into and the rights and obligations that they each have, the document that governs this relationship is usually a Commercial Lease. So what is a Commercial Lease? A lease is a legally binding contract that […]
Strata Law Reforms
In 2015 the New South Wales Parliament passed the Strata Scheme Management Bill 2015 and the Strata Scheme Development Bill 2015, with more than 90 law changes. The new pieces of legislation set out comprehensive reforms of NSW strata laws modernising the law to reflect the reality of living in a strata townhouse or apartment […]
Family Law Property Settlements Is a 50/50 split the starting point?
Following the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, it is common for separated parties to be unsure and therefore anxious about their entitlements in a property settlement and the assets they are likely to retain. This is only natural given that Family Law is a complicated and emotional area of law which is […]
Important things to consider when buying a business
If you are considering buying a business there are many things you need to do from a legal, financial and general business perspective. Getting the right advice from the start is important. The structure of and issues involved in the sale are quite different if you are buying the business assets only, compared with […]
Avoiding conveyancing traps – special conditions
Conveyancing is the process involving the transfer of legal title of real property from one person to another. The conveyancing process is designed to ensure that the buyer obtains good and marketable title to the property together with all the rights that run with the property and is notified of any restrictions or rights in advance of their purchase. For […]
Top 6 Power of Attorney Questions
A Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives a trusted person, the legal authority to act for you, and to make legally binding decisions on your behalf. If you do not have a Power of Attorney then you should contact us and find out more. Below are 6 top questions dealing with Powers […]
Can you be separated and live under the same roof?
Before a person can apply for a divorce they have to be able to establish to the Family Court that their marriage has irretrievably broken down. This can be established if the Court is satisfied that the parties to the marriage have separated and have lived separately and apart for a continuous period of not […]